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Reflection activity: Thinking about the big picture

The power of our stories, together

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Our stories show the complexities of the attention economy and the specifics of our experiences. If we understand one person's story well, and we know large numbers of people experience the same thing, we can now see the larger story more clearly. To make sense of the frightening statistics about the impact of social media we must understand the human stories behind them.


Once you’ve shared your story and listened to the stories of others, take a step back and consider your experience. (If you’re working in a group, it may be helpful to answer these questions together):
  • What trends do you notice across the stories that are being shared?
  • What surprises you or stands out?
  • In what ways do these stories represent experiences everywhere? In what ways do they not?
  • What do these stories tell us about the future of technology?
  • What do they tell us about the future of our society?
As long as hacking our attention is profitable, companies will continue to find more powerful ways to do it and these harms will continue to emerge. To change the system, we need to make our voices heard and understand that we’re not alone.
If sharing your story has inspired you to take action, you can:
  • Shift your tech use: Make a successful change in how you use technology by setting goals and working with others.
  • Envision humane technology: Imagine the possibilities for humane technology by envisioning solutions that advance systemic change.

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  • winston default style avatar for user David Varguez-Nava
    1. What trends do you notice across the stories that are being shared?
    The trends I noticed across the stories being shared is a theme of being addicted or spending too much time on social media, and being less social with relationships outside the internet.

    2. What surprises you or stands out?
    What surprised me is people becoming more shy, less social, and feeling awkward when talking to people outside the internet.

    3. In what ways do these stories represent experiences everywhere? In what ways do they not?
    These stories represent experiences everywhere because becoming addicted to social media is something that could happen to anyone no matter the age, gender, race, or situation. Also being shy and unsure and stressed while talking to people in person is something a lot of people can relate to.

    4. What do these stories tell us about the future of technology?
    These stories
    These stories tell us that the future of technology is going to continue to be addicting to people and become more prevalent throughout everyday life.

    5. What do they tell us about the future of our society?
    These stories tell us that using social media for hours and hour on a day while start affecting the way people think and act during regular conversation with people outside the internet. They might be more shy, stare at the ground, can't look at people in the eye, or become socially awkward.
    (4 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
  • female robot grace style avatar for user tw486364
    Why do so many hackers target the accounts of people incarcerated?
    (2 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
  • blobby green style avatar for user ADRIANF
    I don't pay attention to trends because that is a waste of time.
    At this point and from what I have read/seen, I am not surprised that these trends or attention seeking lunatics are making repetitive and dangerous "content"
    This tells me at least that our society is getting more weaker and more reliant on technology.
    (1 vote)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
  • blobby green style avatar for user antonyis balbino
    What provokes hackers and what is their motive?
    (0 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user