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Explore colleges on Big Future

Explore colleges on Big Future.
To learn more about colleges and build a list of schools that you are interested in, check out BigFuture, College Board’s free and comprehensive college planning website. The College Search tool on BigFuture can help you to explore colleges and search schools by type, location, majors, campus life, and more. You can build and save a college list to your profile to come back to it through your college planning journey. Juniors can even get a chance to win a $40,000 Big Future Scholarship just by building a college list!
BigFuture can help you start your college research in a number of ways. When you log into your College Board account, you can see schools that are a good fit for you based on your SAT score and GPA. Learn about reach, match, and safety schools and make sure that your college list includes at least one of each.
If you’re interested in pre-med or social work and looking for quality programs, you can also explore schools by majors or by cost.
Paying for college can seem totally overwhelming. BigFuture has valuable resources to help you figure out how to afford and gain admission to the college of your dreams. You can discover scholarships that you might qualify for from a database of more than six billion dollars of awards.
Learn more about every step of the college planning journey through articles and videos on detailed topics from understanding college costs to applying for financial aid. Check out BigFuture today.

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